Local LGBTQIA+ Issues

The Department of Health estimates that 11% of the Australian population have a diverse sexual orientation, sex or gender identity. This means that in the City of Busselton there may be around 4,500 LGBTQIA+ people  - and more than one out of every ten tourists!

Sadly due to a range of factors, all people living in regional areas have higher rates of illness and death than those living in capital cities, and LGBTQIA+ people living in regional WA face additional unique factors in accessing health care and services, making social connections, and maintaining their well-being. 

City of Busselton Council

In July 2023, a neo-Nazi addressed a community consultation event at Council Chambers, expressing strong opposition to LGBTIQA+ books being available in the local library and called for their removal and a ban of such books. Following this, we sent a survey to all candidates to gather their views on this issue and several LGBTQIA+ topics.

Of the Mayoral Candidates, Cr. Phill Cronin, Cr. Jodie Richards, Cr. Sue Riccelli, and Kate Cox all responded positively. Cr Anne Ryan did not respond.

Of the Council Candidates, Cr. Ross Paine and Val Kaigg responded positively, Richard Beecroft and Jarrod Kennedy responded declining to answer the questions, and Andrew Macnish has responded with a lengthy yet ambiguous response.

Note - Candidates who were both a Mayoral Candidate and a Council candidate are recorded in the Mayoral list only. Candidate Stephen Wells was not sent the survey due to his extremist views already extensively published online. Candidate Andrew Macnish's response is attached here separately due to its length.

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